Insight Motivation

Welcoming Death to Celebrate Life

Many of us are afraid of dying. Perhaps it’s because we don’t like the feeling of not knowing when it’s going to happen, how it’s going to happen or what we may leave behind when it does happen. I think this is natural. I don’t think it is what we all need. Death is one […]

Advice Insight Motivation

You Are, If You Believe You Are

Whenever I get the chance to meet someone new I like to get a feel for what their aspirations are. I couldn’t tell you where this desire came from, but it is something that I have found to really help me understand a person and their character. Generally speaking, the people I’ve met, from all […]


Does Convenience Have a Dark Side?

Some of the most successful, talked about businesses right now are those that provide convenience to their customers.   I personally find a ton of value and appeal in these solutions and consider myself to be a huge proponent of them. There’s a few apps that I actually use quite frequently that definitely add convenience […]